After alot of hard work, we can finally offer you the new Beniconnect website. Taking advantage of your comments and suggestions, we have completely redesigned our website, with the aim of offering a more practical and useful site, and above all with all the necessary information about the services and transfers that we offer.
This new version includes many new features and improvements in design, navigation, content and technology.
- New search engine: we have improved the search for services with a more functional engine that helps the user, even pre-selecting the origin and destination depending on the page on which it is located.
- Descriptive texts of cities: we have also written thousands of texts to make them available to our users and thus offer comprehensive information and description of the municipalities and airports and train stations where we offer our services.
- New technology: we implemented the latest technological advances to offer a greater performance of the web to the increasing number of users who access our information and services through the most diverse media, adapting to traditional PCs, tablets and smartphones in the market.
- Focused on your needs: all these developments are the result of months of work and research with the aim of meeting the increasingly demanding needs and expectations of our users and customers.
We invite you to browse our website and enjoy all the improvements that we have put for your disposal.